
Join or renew your Friends of Beyond Inc. membership to help support the volunteer activities that benefit the Beyond Today estate and its residential community at Chiton, South Australia.

The annual membership fees are due in January each year.
$25 per person or $50 per household

Only financial members have voting rights at our Friends of Beyond meetings and must agree to be bound by the Constitution.

  • Step 1) Complete the online form
    New members: Please click the button at the bottom of this page to complete the membership form.

    Existing members: You don’t need to complete the form to renew your membership, unless your contact details have changed.

    If you are paying the household membership fee for couples or families, please include the names and contact details for both adults that wish to have voting rights at our meetings.

    Step 2) Make your payment by bank transfer

    Direct deposit to:
    Bank: Beyond Bank
    Account name: Friends of Beyond Incorporated
    BSB: 325-185
    Account no: 03851833
    Reference: Please use your initial and surname

    Cheques are no longer accepted by our bank.

    Thank you! Your support is greatly appreciated.

  • All Beyond Today estate residents and vacant land owners are encouraged to become a member and have a say in the place where you live. Chiton Estate property owners and Chiton Retirement Living residents are also welcome to join.

  • Only financial members can vote at our Friends of Beyond meetings to have their say.

    Be part of a community of people that prioritise environmental sustainability and connections with others.

    There are over a hundred property owners in the Beyond Today estate. If we all contribute a little of our time and/or membership fees, we can ensure that the estate is well maintained to protect our assets and lifestyle.

  • The Friends of Beyond Inc. was established by the residents of Beyond Today to uphold the original ideology of the residential estate. This ideology combines environmentally sustainable living with high amenity of its public spaces, and support for community connection.

    To achieve this, we work together as a community on projects and organise and support events in the community interest that are compatible with our vision of sustainable living. In the course of these activities, we engage with the Alexandrina Council and community groups to share knowledge and access resources. We support and encourage community education on sustainable living and our local biodiversity and environment.

    An incorporated association structure is necessary to apply for grant funding and access public liability insurance.

  • Membership fees support the:

    • Weedies gardening group volunteers to take care of the reserves and street verges with weeding, pruning, mulching, planting, and watering

    • ongoing maintenance of this website to keep residents up-to-date with local news and events, and to support our grant applications to funding bodies

    • development of projects and events that benefit our community

    • community education about sustainable living and environmental issues

    • venue hire and expenses to host two meetings for members (General Meeting and AGM)

    • payment of public liability insurance.

  • The committee is responsible for the overall management of the affairs of Friends of Beyond in line with the incorporated association’s aims and objectives, by providing support, guidance and oversight of related activities, events, projects, and programs.

    Nominations for the committee members are due 14 days before our Annual General Meeting.

How to join or renew your Friends of Beyond Inc membership
Step 1) Click the button below and complete the membership form.
Step 2) Make your payment by bank transfer (details are on the membership form).
Thank you! Your support is greatly appreciated.

Page updated: 19 May 2024