Weedies Volunteer Gardening Group

The Weedies was established by Mick Lee in May 2020 as the volunteer gardening group at the Beyond Today residential estate.

What do the Weedies do?
Our valued volunteers meet every Friday morning – in rain, shine and cold – to take care of the reserves, ponds and street verges by weeding, pruning, mulching, planting, and watering. There is often a social cuppa at the end of the ‘working bee’ to exchange ideas.
Weedies who are not available on Friday mornings contribute their time on other days.

How to get involved?
You’re welcome to stop by and chat with us if you have any questions, ideas, or things to share about the reservesjust look for the hi-viz vests!
Many hands make light work and new volunteers are always welcome. Why not come along on a Friday morning and see what we do?
For more information or to get involved, please click here to email the Weedies Coordinator Ank Huiskamp.

Click here to download your Weedies timesheet.

Thank you to the Alexandrina Council who provide inductions for our volunteers and have supplied mulch, plants, and trees and regular mowing of the large areas in the reserves.

Find out more about:

One Million Trees

Trees On Council Land

Tree Planting and Removals

Page updated 5 January 2024