February 2021
Welcome to the Friends of Beyond Newsletter
The Friends of Beyond Management Committee has agreed that an email newsletter is the best means for regular communication with members of the Friends of Beyond Association. Any important member information that may arise outside of the newsletter will be emailed directly to members. The aim of the newsletter is to provide members with news from the FOB Management Committee and Alexandrina Council and to enhance a sense of community through feature articles about residents, the Beyond environment, flora and fauna and local ideas, events and projects.
Since the last newsletter we have celebrated the 2020 Christmas holiday season and the start of a new year. We hope that everyone enjoyed a peaceful and joyous Christmas and that the new year brings you all happiness and every success.
2020 was a tumultuous year for all Australians between the extreme weather events, bushfires and the COVID-19 pandemic. Still in South Australia we have fared considerably better than the rest of Australia. Iām sure we all hope that 2021 brings good news for everyone regarding COVID-19 and a return to as near normal operations for business, work and everyday family life.
Luckily here at Beyond residents have enjoyed relatively mild weather amid our beautiful surroundings. And it is this appreciation of our environment and flora and fauna that has led to the formation of the Friends of Beyond Inc. to preserve and improve our wonderful community assets.