October 2020

Welcome to the Friends of Beyond Newsletter

The Friends of Beyond Management Committee has agreed that a monthly email newsletter is the best means for regular communication with members of the Friends of Beyond Association. Any important member information that may arise outside of the newsletter will be emailed directly to members. The aim of the newsletter is to provide members with news from the FOB Management Committee and Alexandrina Council and to enhance a sense of community through feature articles about residents, the Beyond environment, flora and fauna and local ideas, events and projects.

Welcome to some Spring weather at long last! We experienced some wild winds and heavy rain recently, but now the sunshine has returned for us all to enjoy. The local birds are out and about, busily nesting and raising their young and feeding on the spring flowers’ nectar.

Everyone has had the opportunity to spend additional time outside in our wonderful surroundings. We are indeed fortunate to have an amazing environment to spend our free time in.

And it is this appreciation that has led to the recent formation of the Friends of Beyond Association to preserve and improve our community assets.


November 2020


September 2020