Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Join the committee: Secure the future of Friends of Beyond Inc
Your support is crucial for the continued success and viability of Friends of Beyond.

We rely on the dedication of Beyond residents and our community members to achieve our goals and make a positive impact. If you care about the Beyond residential estate, we encourage you to participate. Without volunteer support, the committee could not continue!

Nominate now!

Financial members can nominate yourself or another person for a position on the Management Committee at least seven (7) days prior to the AGM. Further information is outlined on the nomination form.

Vote at the AGM
All FoB financial members can vote at the AGM. Please ensure your membership is up-to-date and mark the date in your calendar.

Save the date

We encourage all Beyond residents and financial members to attend our Annual General Meeting and get involved in your local community.

When: Friday 6 September 2024 at 6:00pm
Location: Port Elliot Institute, 16 The Strand, Port Elliot

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Roles and responsibilities
Each year, we seek new nominations for all committee members. Existing committee members are welcome to nominate for re-election.
All committee members must follow our incorporated association’s constitution.
The Management Committee comprises at least seven (7) and no more than nine (9) members, with roles as outlined below.
The committee meets each month except January.
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  • Ensures that meetings are planned effectively and conducted according to the Constitution, and that matters are dealt with efficiently.

  • As Deputy Chair – assists the Chairperson with ongoing duties and takes on their role if they are unavailable.

    As Public Officer – informs Consumer and Business Services SA of a change to the Association’s name, registered address or Constitution, if the Association is winding up or if there is a change of Public Officer.

  • Takes minutes of all general meetings and Management Committee meetings; distributes minutes to relevant members; and retains minutes for the Committee’s records. Also, prepares and distributes an agenda for upcoming meetings; is responsible for general correspondence; and maintains the register of members.

  • Keeps accurate financial records of the Association’s receipts and expenditure, and reports on those at the Management Committee Meetings, General Meetings and Annual General Meetings.

  • Creates and distributes four FoB newsletter issues per year, and communicates other relevant information to members. (Content for the FOB newsletter must be approved by the Management Committee prior to publishing).

  • Responsible for managing and maintaining the website, ensuring that the website content is up to date and accurate. This includes designing, editing, and publishing web pages; creating and managing content; optimising search engine rankings; and monitoring website traffic and performance. The website coordinator also works closely with the Management Committee to ensure that the website is aligned with FoB mission, values, and goals.

  • Oversees maintenance of communal and reserve areas subject to the direction of the relevant Alexandrina Council officer and reports activity and communications from Alexandrina Council to the Management Committee.

  • Contribute to the operations of the Committee and may be responsible for particular tasks or projects according to their skills and expertise.
    Limit of two ordinary members.