August 2020
Welcome to the Friends of Beyond Newsletter
The Friends of Beyond Steering Committee agreed that a monthly email newsletter is the best method to communicate with Beyond residents in the intervening period up to the formation of the Friends of Beyond Incorporated Association. Its continuation after that point will be a decision for the newly elected Association Committee.
As we head into the month of August we are enjoying brighter days here at Beyond. The acacias and succulents are brightly blooming heralding the new season to come. The earth will soon start warming up and residents are out in their gardens busily preparing the soil for new plantings and looking forward to renewed plant growth after the dormancy of winter. And the local birdlife are becoming more active and are starting to build their nests for their future young.
However mornings and evenings are still chilly even though the days are becoming warmer. Sitting by the fire at night remains a pleasure to enjoy with both a glass and a book to hand in these last days of winter.
As always, days are enjoyable here at Beyond whatever the season. Whenever you are outside you see many locals of all ages as well as their pets reveling in our beautiful surroundings.
And it is this appreciation that is driving the Steering Committee towards formation of the Friends of Beyond Association to preserve and improve our community assets.